February 2024


Insurance Law Department

» Spain The Spanish Supreme Court decides whether non-payment of the successive premium can lead to the termination of the insurance contract
» SpainInsurance contract: effects of non-payment of the successive premium due to a cause attributable to the policy holder against an injured third party
» Spain 
What does the policyholder's duty to inform actually entail?
» SpainThe Supreme Court of Spain rules in favor of the insurance company on the limiting clauses of a life insurance policy.

Commercial and Company Law Department
» Portugal Approval of 2023 Accounts - Portugal

Fiscal and Tax Law Department
» Portugal Golden Visa: Portugal remains one of the best options for investors in 2024

Département du Droit Fiscal
» Portugal Golden Visa : En Portugal reste une des meilleures options pour les investisseurs en 2024

Département du Droit Commercial et des Societés
» Portugal Approbation des Comptes 2023 – Portugal


Spain - The Spanish Supreme Court decides whether non-payment of the successive premium can lead to the termination of the insurance contract
In this article, we will study whether the insurance company can terminate the insurance contract due to non-payment of the successive premium. The consequences of non-payment of the premium in the insurance contract are different, depending on whether the non-payment occurs in the first premium (article 15.1 Law 50/1980) or in the successive premium (article 15.2 Law 50/1980). To do so, we will analyse the criterion maintained by the judgment of the First Chamber of the Supreme Court of 10 May 2023 in the cassation appeal, 3373/2019. Speaker: Pedro José Vela Torres.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)

Spain - Insurance contract: effects of non-payment of the successive premium due to a cause attributable to the policy holder against an injured third party
In this article we will study the effects of the non-payment of the successive premium regulated in the second paragraph of article 15 of the Insurance Contract Law (LCS), due to a cause attributable to the policyholder. 
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)

Spain - What does the policyholder's duty to inform actually entail?
The Spanish Insurance Contract Law establishes the policyholder's duty to declare the relevant circumstances for the assessment of the risk by the insurer, before signing the policy. Subsequently, it also establishes the obligation to communicate the circumstances that may aggravate the risk during the validity of the policy, but what does this duty of information really imply? 
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)

Spain - The Supreme Court of Spain rules in favor of the insurance company on the limiting clauses of a life insurance policy.
The Supreme Court has handed down a decision upholding all the arguments of the insurance company in relation to a life insurance policy, considering the clauses establishing the time limit of the cover to be sufficiently clear, and that the insured had incurred in serious negligence by concealing the existence of a chronic illness in the previous questionnaire.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)


Portugal - Approval of 2023 Accounts - Portugal
Statutory deadline for approval of accounts in Portugal is approaching.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)


Portugal - Golden Visa: Portugal remains one of the best options for investors in 2024
Despite the most recent legislative changes, the Golden Visa programme remains an attractive option for investors looking for a safe country with quality of life in Portugal.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)


Portugal - Golden Visa : En Portugal reste une des meilleures options pour les investisseurs en 2024
Malgré les dernières modifications législatives, le programme Golden Visa reste une option très intéressante pour les investisseurs à la recherche d'un pays sûr et avec une excellente qualité de vie, comme c'est le cas du Portugal.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)


Portugal - Approbation des Comptes 2023 – Portugal
Délai légal pour l'approbation des comptes des sociétés commerciales au Portugal.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)
Nuñez de Balboa, 115 bis - 1º C
(28006) Madrid (Spain)
Tlf.: (+34) 91 562 50 76
Av. Duque d´Ávila, 141 – 1º Dtº
(1050-081) Lisbon (Portugal)
Tlf.: (+351) 21 324 05 30
Rua Júlio Dinis, nº 204, Esc.314
(4050-318) Oporto (Portugal)
Tlf.: (+351) 22 938 94 52/53
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