May 2023

Insuralex "Global Insurance Lawyers Group, LatAm Members" and Belzuz Abogados S.L.P. are pleased to invite you to the Insurance Community Meeting, which will consist of a round table and cocktail at the Hotel Emperador in Madrid, which will take place on 12 June 2023.
Programme & Registration


Commercial and Corporate Law Department
» Portugal Approval of 2022 Accounts

» Portugal - Incentives Programme Portugal 2030
» Portugal - The complaints book and its vast set of obligations

Litigation and Arbitration Law Department
» Portugal Unwritten contracts and the application of the Agency Contract Act

Département du Droit Commercial et des Societés
» Portugal Approbation des Comptes 2022
» Portugal Le livre de réclamations et son vaste ensemble d'obligations

Département du Droit Procédural et Arbitrage
» Portugal Les contrats non écrits et l'application de la loi sur les contrats d'agence


Portugal - Approval of 2022 Accounts
We alert our clients that the time to approve the accounts of commercial companies is approaching.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)

Portugal - Incentives Programme Portugal 2030
The "Portugal 2030" incentives programme, approved by the Decree-Law n.º 20-A/2023, of 22 March, which establishes the General Regime for the Application of European Funds of Portugal 2030, puts into practice the Partnership Agreement between Portugal and the European Commission to apply 23 billion euros from European funds in projects that stimulate and develop the Portuguese economy.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)

Portugal - The complaints book and its vast set of obligations
The legal rules regarding the Complaints Book in paper-based impose a wide range of obligations to the supplier of goods or service provider. Did you think that it was enough to have the Complaints Book for your activity? Well, the list of obligations goes much further than that! 
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)


Portugal - Unwritten contracts and the application of the Agency Contract Act
The legal and social relevance of atypical distribution, concession, mediation and franchise contracts, the non-reduction to writing of the commercial relationship established between the parties, and the application to non-written contracts of the regime of client indemnity and compensation for failure to comply with the notice period provided for in Decree-Laws 178/86 and 118/93 (Agency Contract Law) justifies a brief analysis of this topic.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)


Portugal - Approbation des Comptes 2022
Nous avertissons nos Clients sur l'approche de la date pour l'approbation des comptes des sociétés commerciales
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)

Portugal - Le livre de réclamations et son vaste ensemble d'obligations
Les règles juridiques relatives au Livre de Réclamations en format physique imposent un large éventail d'obligations au fournisseur de biens ou au prestataire de services. Vous pensiez qu'il suffisait d'avoir le Livre de Réclamations pour votre activité? Eh bien, la liste des obligations va bien au-delà!
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)


Portugal - Les contrats non écrits et l'application de la loi sur les contrats d'agence
L'importance juridique et sociale des contrats atypiques de distribution, de concession, de médiation et de franchise, ne pas consigner par écrit la relation commerciale établie entre les parties et l'application aux contrats non écrits du régime d'indemnisation du client et de compensation pour non-respect du délai de préavis prévu par les décrets-lois 178/86 et 118/93 (loi sur le contrat d'agence) justifient une brève analyse de ce sujet.
Regime Excecional para Dispositivos Médicos (DM) e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPI)
Nuñez de Balboa, 115 bis - 1º C
(28006) Madrid (Spain)
Tlf.: (+34) 91 562 50 76
Av. Duque d´Ávila, 141 – 1º Dtº
(1050-081) Lisbon (Portugal)
Tlf.: (+351) 21 324 05 30
Rua Júlio Dinis, nº 204, Esc.314
(4050-318) Oporto (Portugal)
Tlf.: (+351) 22 938 94 52/53
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