This department advises in the entire field of administrative law, within the entire Spanish territory, with a team of professionals, both legal and technical.
Within the Administrative Law Department we perform the following services:
- Legal advice: to public sector entities, collaborating urban entities, private companies and individuals. We prepare reports and opinions, carry out negotiations and assume the legal defense of our clients in administrative and contentious-administrative procedures related to all areas related to urban planning
- Purchase and sale contracts and leases
- Urban planning license (building license, first occupation license, building license on unconsolidated urban land, urban property segregation license, activity license, etc.)
- Planning and management
- Building right
- Urban expropriations
- Urban development agreements, legal assistance in the negotiation, drafting and processing of agreements, including those related to urban development management of the development agent
- Urban management, advice on actions to execute urban plans, both public and private
- Likewise, we advise on the constitution of collaborating urban planning entities, such as compensation boards, conservation entities, etc., and we participate in the drafting and processing of equidistribution projects (subdivision, compensation)
- Advice on forced expropriation procedures
- Due diligence
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Specialists in traditionally regulated sectors such as waters, coasts, ports, mines, tourism
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Legal assistance to companies and individuals in expropriation procedures, as well as in alternative agreements and other matters related to expropriation reversal procedures
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- Draft contracts and specifications
- Preparation of documentation for participation in public contests
- Challenge procedures
- Procedures for modification and resolution of public sector contracts
- Claim to the public sector in situations of late payment and contractual liability of any kind
- Advice on classification files before the Advisory Board of Administrative Procurement
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- Sanctioning files
- Administrative resources
- Patrimonial responsibility of the Public Administrations
- Challenge to general provisions
- Appeals to the Constitutional Court
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Advice and processing of subsidies and public aid.
More information about the Administrative Law Department | Madrid (Spain)